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NYC Sign Permit & Violation Removal by Licensed Sign Hanger

NYC Sign Permit & Violation Removal by Licensed Sign Hanger for Illuminated Signs .


Have you received a violation for an illegal illuminated sign ?

We can help.

The first step would be to get the sign removed , take some pictures showing the sign was removed and getting a letter by a licensed sign hanger that the sign has been removed.

We would remove your sign and write a letter that you will take with you for the DOB and ECB.

NYC Administrative Code  26-182, states that all signs in New York City, including the 5 boroughs, must be performed by or under the supervision of a NYC Licensed Sign Hanger.

  • All signs require Sign Permits issued by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB).

  • Each sign requires a NYC DOB Sign Permit. Each Lighted sign requires a NYC DOB Electrical Permit.

  • All signs must meet the zoning requirements for each respective location.

  • Licensed Expeditors, Engineers, and Architects may only apply for Sign Permits. They can not legally pull them.

  • NYC Licensed Sign Hangers are the only persons legally allowed to pull a Sign Permit in NYC.

  • There are less then 44 NYC Licensed Sign Hangers in the entire City of New York and only 3 in Brooklyn.


NYC DOB (Dept of Buildings) and NYC ECB (Environmental Control Board) issue violations for  all types of signs, awnings and canopies that are in violation of the NYC Administrative Codes.

These violations apply to signs that are:

  • Installed without a NYC Sign Permit

  • Not performed using a NYC Licensed Sign Hanger

  • Exceeding the zoning regulations

  • Lighted signs, landmarks and multiple variations of infractions of the codes.

 NYC DOB & ECB can issue multiple violations to the same sign until the violations are corrected and cleared.

Each Violation is now considered a Class 1 Hazardous Violation. 
Each violation may incur $10,000 plus a $5,000 surcharge.

NYC Sign Violations can only be corrected and cleared by NYC Licensed Sign Hangers.

Call us for any questions  @ 718 – 374-5175

You can also send us an email to

We deal with a permit expeditor who can apply for the permits and then we can sign off for the permit. Save time  , money and head aches and do it right the first time.

Question:Can be put back up later with a permit?

Answer :  It all depends if the sign was made to code.

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